Source code for config_resolver.util

Helpers and utilities for the config_resolver package.

This module contains stuff which is not directly impacting the business logic of
the config_resolver package.
from logging import Filter, LogRecord
from typing import Any

[docs]class PrefixFilter(Filter): """ A logging filter which prefixes each message with a given text. :param prefix: The log prefix. :param separator: A string to put between the prefix and the original log message. """ # pylint: disable = too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, prefix: str, separator: str = " ") -> None: super().__init__() self._prefix = prefix self._separator = separator def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: # NOTE: using ``isinstance(other, PrefixFilter)`` did NOT work properly # when running the unit-tests through ``sniffer``. Does this have # something to do with ``sniffer`` or is there something wrong with the # code of ``config_resolver``? This is a workaround which is incorrect, # and could in extreme cases cause problems if there was another # filter with the exact same class name and with a ``_prefix`` and # ``_separator`` member. They would wrongly be assumed to be the same. # I'll assume this won't happen for now. # pylint: disable = protected-access return ( self.__class__.__name__ == other.__class__.__name__ and other._prefix == self._prefix # type: ignore and other._separator == self._separator ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "PrefixFilter(prefix={!r}, separator={!r}>".format( self._prefix, self._separator )
[docs] def filter(self, record: LogRecord) -> bool: # pylint: disable = missing-docstring record.msg = self._separator.join([self._prefix, record.msg]) return True